Strona główna Wydział Filozoficzny O wydziale Instytucje Wydziału Instytucje naukowo-dydaktyczne Instytut Filozofii On the idea and practice of philosophising - Sympozjum Kraków-Zagrzeb

On the idea and practice of philosophising - Sympozjum Kraków-Zagrzeb

Institute of Philosophy at Ignatianum University in Cracow

Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies at University of Zagreb


invite to symposium


What philosophy for today?

On the idea and practice of philosophising


Wednesday, June 19th, 11.00-17.00.

On Zoom (link can be obtained upon registration:

Today's world is described as VUCA - a world characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity. Can philosophy help contemporary people live and creatively navigate in such a world? Can philosophy, drawing on its heritage, help contemporary people in their search for existential meaning and wisdom, while also helping them find their way in the labour market? Which philosophy would be helpful in building a responsible ethical stance and at the same time in dealing with existential crises? What kind of philosophy do we need? How should we practise it? How should philosophy be taught? Should philosophy cooperate with other sciences, and if so, to what extent?


Opening: Ivan Šestak (Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies),

Jacek Poznański (Director of the Institute of Philosophy)

11.00-13.00 Session I – presides Ines Skelac (4 x 20 min + 40 min discussion)

Luka Janeš: Philosophical Practice as an “Orientation Cure” for Today's Existential Crisis

Piotr Sikora: Skillful Life - Life Worth Living. DBT as a Philosophical Way of Life for Today

Marijana Kolednjak: Philosophy for a Better World: Martha Nussbaum's Advocacy for Human Flourishing

Anna Bugajska: The Utility of Things Useless: On the Uses of Philosophy for the Contemporary World

Lunch Break

15.00-17.00 Session II – presides Jarosław Mikuczewski (4 x 20 min + 40 min discussion)

Petar Tomev Mitrikeski: Reason vs Faith - Enemity or Consorship

Piotr Duchliński: How to Develop Christian Ethics in the 21st Century?

Dan Đaković: Overproduction of Wisdom?

Jacek Poznański: Philosophy Generated and Driven by Theological Eros
